Inashiki in NovemberHow to make Dried Persimmons 干し柿の作り方 One of the typical fruits in Japan are persimmons.A Long time ago you could see anywhere dried persimmons in Japan but n... 2021.01.21Inashiki in November
Farm innA room Renovation This room had a lot of furniture and garbage. When I saw this room, I could not enter it because there was even a thick ... 2021.01.08Farm inn
Farm innRenovation Process of a Room which is Badly Damaged This room was the worst condition in this house. The space was used as a ware house with flooring damaged therefore we w... 2020.12.25Farm inn
Farm innWashing Room Renovation Progress This washing room was covered with mold and there was an old wash basin with a lot of garbage. In addition, the underflo... 2020.12.23Farm inn
Farm innKOTATSU コタツ Old heaterIn winter here it is also very cold. This house should have a KOTATSU!By the way, do you know "KOTATSU"?KOTATS... 2020.12.04Farm inn
Farm & GardenSweet potatoes サツマイモ 芋掘り体験 In June women farmers' group called "God mother" plants sweet potatoes seedling. Some people including me helped them. r... 2020.11.19Farm & GardenFarm innInashiki in November
Travel HighlightsTraditional Dance in Inashiki-city ANBABAYASHI In Inashiki-city, Ibaraki, Japan, there is a famous shrine called Osugi Shrine. My articles about it is here ;Osugi Shri... 2020.11.05Travel Highlights
Farm innViewing the Moon with a Telescope A neighbor has a telescope and I asked him if it's possible to view the moon and planets at my future guesthouse and sha... 2020.11.02Farm innInashiki in DecemberInashiki in FebruaryInashiki in JanuaryInashiki in MarchInashiki in NovemberInashiki in OctoberTravel Highlights
Farm & GardenGarlic Chives My lovely grandma-like neighbor often gives me garlic chives called "Nira" in Japanese.I haven't cultivated a new field ... 2020.10.28Farm & Garden
Farm innApplying Stains Old houses are basically necessary to maintain regularly ,however, this house had been empty for a few years. Of course ... 2020.10.23Farm inn