Farm innShower Renovation The first renovation has been started from the shower room. All rooms have to be well cleaned as well as renovation ,how... 2020.09.15Farm inn
OthersHornet’s nest…! In countryside, there are a lot of bugs. I know it's impossible to avoid it ,however, I'm not a huge fun of bugs... Sinc... 2020.09.10Others
Farm & GardenOKURA In the middle of July I seeded Okura seeds. It was pretty late to do that since I forgot it ... :D But now in September,... 2020.09.05Farm & Garden
Farm innDIY -Changing a Screen I was wondering if I could change a screen by myself. One day I went to 100 shop to buy cleaning tools and coincidentall... 2020.08.28Farm inn
Farm & GardenButternuts Squash Part2 More than I expected butternuts squashes grow very well on my field. I distributed some of them and got photo :) This sq... 2020.08.23Farm & Garden
Farm innFarm inn/Guest house “INASHIKI NEST” Finally I've found an abandoned house for a guest house and shared house! It took for a year to find and make a contract... 2020.08.19Farm inn
Farm & GardenEdible Flower Part2 Finally the flower I really wanted to have has bloomed ! The flower is a butterfly pea. A long time ago when I visited m... 2020.08.12Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenProcess of EDOSAKI Squash 2 Process of Edosaki Squash Part 1 Seedlings is this article;After seedling, I also helped to remove the first sprout. It ... 2020.08.01Farm & GardenInashiki in JulyInashiki in JuneTravel Highlights
Farm & GardenEdible Flower One of the plants that I really wanted to grow is edible flower. In Japan, it's not so common and it's getting popular ,... 2020.07.30Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenButternuts progress In May, I planted butternuts seeds and lovely sprouts came up. I wanted to try companion planting this time and planted ... 2020.07.27Farm & Garden