Finally the flower I really wanted to have has bloomed !
The flower is a butterfly pea.
A long time ago when I visited my friend in Thailand, she gave me a cup of blue tea.
Looking at it, I was so astonished and asked what that was.
That was the butterfly pea.
Nowadays it’s getting popular in Japan but it has not become so common yet.
I really wanted to grow the plant but in Japan we have winter so only in the summer time is the season for it and it’s not so easy to find the seeds at the normal flower shop.
At the end of June the butterfly peas were so small.

This year, in July most of the time it was rainy and not hot at all.
In August, as the temperature increased dramatically, the plants were growing.
Here was now around 33 degrees. It was hot and humid but it seemed the butterfly peas love this weather 😀

After picking some flowers, I put them in a pan and boiled to make tea.

After boiling, the water became sky blue!!! It’s absolutely natural but so lovely 😀

I also made ice 😉

It is so lovely so I hope to get more flowers and seeds for the next year as well !
So you can perhaps try this tea 😉