Carrots and beets

Farm & Garden

We planted swiss chards and ice plants in the greenhouse and carrots and beets are outside in the middle of October.

It was not promising to have sprouts of carrots but one day we found them!
And sprouts of beets grew there!

Can you find Beets’ sprouts?
This is the beet’s sprout.
carrots’ sprouts

At the beginning of November, those sprouts were getting growing more!


We planted them at the end of October so it was pretty late to do that so we expected those plants would grow slowly.

2 months later, at the beginning of January, those plants grew like that!

Can you find where are carrots and beets?

In the middle of January, Okaasan said to me carrots were growing pretty well and we should thin out some of them to let others grow well.

So I picked out some of them.

A lot of carrots in the tiny point

#thinning #carrots #farm #vegetable 🇯🇵(@madam_fujiko)がシェアした投稿 –


#thinning I will eat them with miso! 🇯🇵(@madam_fujiko)がシェアした投稿 –

After thining some of the small carrots, of course, I ate them at home 🙂

How did I eat them?

Fresh carrots with Miso and fried carrots leaves “tempura”!

Sorry, I didn’t take the photos but it was pretty good!
