At the beginning of June, we helped to plant sweet potatoes’ seedlings in Ukishima area, Ibaraki.
Local mothers’ group called “God Mother”, they usually work together for farm field.
Btw, sounds really strong team, isn’t it ? 😀
Every November, kids can have harvesting experience there.
This year as usual they were planing to plant sweet potatoes’ seedlings so we helped them.
When we came there, the filed had already well organized.

These are seedlings.

I thought seedlings would be cut potatoes like potatoes but it was different. It looks just stems with leaves…!!!
How To Plant Sweet Potato Seedling
We just inserted this seedling into the soil after making a whole with a wooden stick. Then pushed surrounding the stem in order to make the seedling and soil close.

We worked with a lot of locals so this work finished very quickly and smoothly.

In November we are coming this place again to harvest them with local kids 🙂
And I got some seedlings from them and planted in my field. Hopefully they will grow well…!!