
Farm inn

Cut Branches and Weeds by a Super Volunteer

One day I got some visitors and one of them told me he likes cutting trees. I didn't understand fully what's the meaning...
Farm & Garden

Edible Flower

One of the plants that I really wanted to grow is edible flower. In Japan, it's not so common and it's getting popular ,...
Farm & Garden

Butternuts progress

In May, I planted butternuts seeds and lovely sprouts came up. I wanted to try companion planting this time and planted ...
Farm & Garden

Y’s farm

In this area, a lot of locals have their own farms. This time I visited Ysan's farm. Actually he is a rice farmer but he...
Farm & Garden

Moringa tree

Last year I bought some Moringa trees but in this area, we have winter so I think moringa could not survive. But It look...
Farm & Garden

Carrots and beets

We planted swiss chards and ice plants in the greenhouse and carrots and beets are outside in the middle of October. It ...
Farm & Garden

Planting seeds in the Okaasan’s field

Fuji-左I know it's getting winter but I want to plant seeds in your field. Is that ok?Okaasan(Mitsusans mother)Sure! But ...