Farm & GardenOKURA In the middle of July I seeded Okura seeds. It was pretty late to do that since I forgot it ... :D But now in September,... 2020.09.05Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenButternuts progress In May, I planted butternuts seeds and lovely sprouts came up. I wanted to try companion planting this time and planted ... 2020.07.27Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenSpreading Compost and Preparation for Sunlight-Disinfection Last time we all cleaned up eggplants in the greenhouse and now it's time to make a good soil again for the next season.... 2020.06.25Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenRiding a bike IN a Rice Field? I helped work at a farm and this time it was a bit different than usual. It meant I rode a kind of a bike to drain a pad... 2020.06.18Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenRemoving Eggplants and Clean up in the Green house Once a year the eggplant's farmer clean up in the green house to check and arrange the condition of the soil. The day be... 2020.06.17Farm & Garden
OthersPlanting Sweet Potato Seedlings At the beginning of June, we helped to plant sweet potatoes' seedlings in Ukishima area, Ibaraki.Local mothers' group ca... 2020.06.12Others
Farm & GardenProcess of EDOSAKI Squash Seedlings Have you ever heard of an EDOSAKI Squash ?In Japan, squash and pumpkin are all called " kabocha /かぼちゃ".In this area, squ... 2020.04.30Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenPlanting potatoes, Japanese radishes and so on. Okaasan(Mitsusans mother)Today I'm planting some seeds in the field.FujiI also want to do that!Coincidentally, when I wa... 2020.03.23Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenSwiss chards and ice plants in the greenhouse At the beginning of JanuaryThe swiss chards grew up very well. Ice plan grew well but it is just one. Other seeds didn't... 2020.02.24Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenJapanese Radish in Okaasan’s field Okaasan(Mitsusans mother)Japanese radishes became big so you can take them! FujiThank you!!Okaasan has been growing diff... 2020.02.15Farm & Garden