Farm & GardenPlanting Eggplants Seedlings Mitsu-sanI'm going to plant eggplants seedlings. Please come and help!FujiOk!In August, Mitsu san told me that he was go... 2020.02.08Farm & Garden
OthersThatched Roof House in Inashiki-city, Ibaraki Part1 It was in August I got information there was a thatched house roof in Inashiki-city, Ibaraki.When I saw that house, I wa... 2020.02.07Others
Inashiki in January“bisya” festival and making “Shimenawa” Part 2 "Bisya" festival part 1 is here.After making Shimenawa, we brought them back to the guardian got for the area.Gathering ... 2020.02.05Inashiki in JanuaryInashiki in FebruaryTraditional Events
Inashiki in January“bisya” festival and making “Shimenawa” Part 1 Mitsu-sanEvery year we have a Japanese traditioal event here called "Bisha". This year it's held on 1 February, come and... 2020.02.01Inashiki in JanuaryInashiki in February
Farm & GardenPlanting seeds in the Okaasan’s field Fuji-左I know it's getting winter but I want to plant seeds in your field. Is that ok?Okaasan(Mitsusans mother)Sure! But ... 2020.01.29Farm & Garden
Inashiki in AugustFireworks Festival in Inashiki In Japan, during the summertime, there are so many fireworks festivals anywhere. Some people wear Japanese traditional c... 2020.01.28Inashiki in AugustTravel HighlightsTraditional Events
Inashiki in DecemberRice cakes: Japanese tradition OkaasanHave you ever seen making rice cakes? Do you want to try it with us ?FujiYes! I want to try it!As usual I helped ... 2020.01.24Inashiki in DecemberInashiki in January