Farm & GardenButternuts progress In May, I planted butternuts seeds and lovely sprouts came up. I wanted to try companion planting this time and planted ... 2020.07.27Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenPampas grass Planting Project 3 It has been for 5 months since pampas grass planting project started.Now the pampas grass divisions are getting bigger a... 2020.07.14Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenSpreading Compost and Preparation for Sunlight-Disinfection Last time we all cleaned up eggplants in the greenhouse and now it's time to make a good soil again for the next season.... 2020.06.25Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenRiding a bike IN a Rice Field? I helped work at a farm and this time it was a bit different than usual. It meant I rode a kind of a bike to drain a pad... 2020.06.18Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenRemoving Eggplants and Clean up in the Green house Once a year the eggplant's farmer clean up in the green house to check and arrange the condition of the soil. The day be... 2020.06.17Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenTaking out Tomato’s plants from the field in the Greenhouse It's time to remove tomato's plants from the field in the greenhouse. Mostly Mitsu-san used his machine to gather and pu... 2020.05.18Farm & Garden
Farm & GardenHow Do Bamboos Grow from Bamboo shoots? Bamboo forests are always awesome! Those areas make me feel very calm and give us fresh air. When I went to the bamboo f... 2020.05.11Farm & GardenOthers
Farm & GardenUtilizing Barley I visited a squash farmer's field who also grows barley for green manure. Barley looks beautiful!The farmer said some hi... 2020.05.08Farm & GardenOthers
Farm & GardenProcess of EDOSAKI Squash Seedlings Have you ever heard of an EDOSAKI Squash ?In Japan, squash and pumpkin are all called " kabocha /かぼちゃ".In this area, squ... 2020.04.30Farm & Garden
Farm & Garden” WARABI ” one of the Wild Plants in Japan Do you know "Warabi"? During spring, you can find Warabi Plants called bracken in English in the wild in Japan. "Warabi"... 2020.04.28Farm & GardenInashiki in AprilInashiki in MayTravel Highlights