Mini Pony and Compost

pony Farm & Garden

In Inashiki-city, there are mini ponies.
You might be wondering if it’s true. 🙂

Ponies are in Inashiki ?!


There are some houses and fields but suddenly ponies are in front of us.
That’s so interesting!

Ponies are here!

So cute!!

Actually ponies are really cute but that’s not the reason why I visited here this time.
This is because to get their compost.
This owner started to make compost using pony’s dung. It said that it’s very nice to make soil quality better so I wanted to try to use it.

eating grass and its eyes are so lovely.
They are curious about me.

They were curious about me so started to close to me. So cure!


friendly and lovely mini #pony 🇯🇵(@madam_fujiko)がシェアした投稿 –

When they noticed I have nothing to feed, they started to be far away from me…

The owner showed me kindly how they are making compost.

Full of Sawdust

Surprisingly it was not stinky at all. Usually my image of a toilet, especially outside, it’s very stinky and dirty but it looks like a wooden shed and inside was so clean and no smell.
Sorry, I forgot to take a photo of the outside toilet…

Fully fermented compost

The above compost was also no smell and very dry-touched.
This time I got 2 bags of them.

They have also a lovely and friendly cat. The cat seems to say “hug me!”

After getting these compost, I went to the field to spread them and plow the soil.

Before this field was cultivated but again it started to be firm so first, I hoed.


And then put the compost and spread in the field.

mixed with soil
anyway just mixed and mixed
getting mixed well

And another bag of compost was also spread into the soil.
It was physically bit hard but the weather was very nice and sweating made me feel very good.
I always feel compare to office work, physical work makes me more satisfied. I feel “I have done!” and that’s comfortable. Sitting in front of computer makes me bit depressed. But I’m used to working on a computer so sometimes I also miss such office work. Well… it’s complicated.

Anyway, finally, I fully mixed them.

Can you see slightly the color is different? The Center part was spread compost. So the color is light brown.

Let’s see how the soil will be soft and changed 🙂
