Farm & Garden“EGOMA” Oil Nowadays "EGOMA" oil is very popular in Japan due to its health effects. EGOMA is perilla in English and it's very simil... 2020.04.13Farm & GardenOthers
OthersSwallows’ nest Swallows started to come to my balcony. It seems they were planing to make their nest here. After a few days they decide... 2020.04.10Others
Farm & GardenPampas grass Planting Project Finally, I could get pampas grass divisions! It was a warm and sunny day, I was heading to a farm by car and I was think... 2020.03.26Farm & GardenOthers
Inashiki in DecemberLake Kasumigaura cruising Lake Kasumigaura is the second largest lake in Japan. During winter you can see and feed seagulls from a boat. It's a tr... 2020.02.27Inashiki in DecemberInashiki in FebruaryInashiki in JanuaryOthersTravel Highlights
OthersThatched Roof House in Inashiki-city, Ibaraki Part2 The previous article related to the thatched roof house is here. We cut bamboos and gathered some Japanese pampas grass ... 2020.02.21OthersTravel Highlights
OthersThatched Roof House in Inashiki-city, Ibaraki Part1 It was in August I got information there was a thatched house roof in Inashiki-city, Ibaraki.When I saw that house, I wa... 2020.02.07Others