
Farm & Garden

Spreading Compost and Preparation for Sunlight-Disinfection

Last time we all cleaned up eggplants in the greenhouse and now it's time to make a good soil again for the next season....
Farm & Garden

Removing Eggplants and Clean up in the Green house

Once a year the eggplant's farmer clean up in the green house to check and arrange the condition of the soil. The day be...
Farm & Garden

Taking out Tomato’s plants from the field in the Greenhouse

It's time to remove tomato's plants from the field in the greenhouse. Mostly Mitsu-san used his machine to gather and pu...
Farm & Garden

Bees in the Greenhouse

It's spring now and the temperature is getting increasing. So now it's time for bees to fly in the greenhouse!During win...
Farm & Garden

Swiss chards and ice plants in the greenhouse

At the beginning of JanuaryThe swiss chards grew up very well. Ice plan grew well but it is just one. Other seeds didn't...
Farm & Garden

Planting Eggplants Seedlings

Mitsu-sanI'm going to plant eggplants seedlings. Please come and help!FujiOk!In August, Mitsu san told me that he was go...