Inashiki in AprilTAKADA Shrine -高田神社- In Japan we have some lucky days in a year. It is said that it'd be good to visit shrines. It might be just superstitiou... 2020.06.27Inashiki in AprilInashiki in AugustInashiki in DecemberInashiki in FebruaryInashiki in JanuaryInashiki in JulyInashiki in JuneInashiki in MarchInashiki in MayInashiki in NovemberInashiki in OctoberInashiki in SeptemberTravel Highlights
Inashiki in AugustFood Culture What’s “EBIGANI” ??? Each country develops its food culture. When I came to Inashiki-city, I heard that locals eat "EBIGANI" commonly. At fir... 2020.06.08Inashiki in AugustInashiki in JulyInashiki in JuneTravel Highlights
Inashiki in AprilRing-ring Road is for Cyclists! Do you like riding on a bike? Actually, here there is the second largest lake in Japan called "Lake-Kasumigaura".You can... 2020.05.03Inashiki in AprilInashiki in AugustInashiki in DecemberInashiki in FebruaryInashiki in JanuaryInashiki in JulyInashiki in JuneInashiki in MarchInashiki in MayInashiki in NovemberInashiki in OctoberInashiki in SeptemberTravel Highlights
Inashiki in AprilHow to make Fried Rice Cake Deep Local Izakaya, fried rice cakes were served. The blog about Deep Local Experience is here.The fried rice cake was s... 2020.03.09Inashiki in AprilInashiki in AugustInashiki in DecemberInashiki in FebruaryInashiki in JanuaryInashiki in JulyInashiki in JuneInashiki in MarchInashiki in MayInashiki in NovemberInashiki in OctoberInashiki in SeptemberTravel Highlights
Inashiki in AugustFireworks Festival in Inashiki In Japan, during the summertime, there are so many fireworks festivals anywhere. Some people wear Japanese traditional c... 2020.01.28Inashiki in AugustTraditional EventsTravel Highlights