
Inashiki in February

OBISYA Japanese Local Festival オビシャ

OBISYA - It's a local historical village festival in Japan which has been passed down for generations since roughly 400 ...
Inashiki in February

Setsubun -Throwing soybeans festival

Have you ever heard of "Setsubun"? Setsubun is one of our traditional festivals and held on the 3rd of February every ye...
Inashiki in February

“bisya” festival and making “Shimenawa” Part 1

Mitsu-sanEvery year we have a Japanese traditioal event here called "Bisha". This year it's held on 1 February, come and...
Inashiki in December

Rice cakes: Japanese tradition

OkaasanHave you ever seen making rice cakes? Do you want to try it with us ?FujiYes! I want to try it!As usual I helped ...