

Swallows Growth

Swallows' babies are getting bigger and bigger and they look like their parents. Their nest looks small for them now. Le...
Farm & Garden

Taking out Tomato’s plants from the field in the Greenhouse

It's time to remove tomato's plants from the field in the greenhouse. Mostly Mitsu-san used his machine to gather and pu...
Farm & Garden

How Do Bamboos Grow from Bamboo shoots?

Bamboo forests are always awesome! Those areas make me feel very calm and give us fresh air. When I went to the bamboo f...
Farm & Garden

Utilizing Barley

I visited a squash farmer's field who also grows barley for green manure. Barley looks beautiful! The farmer said some h...

Swallow’s nest Part 2

In April they started to make their nest. Related to the blog is the following; Most of the time the swallows are keepin...
Inashiki in December

Ring-ring Road is for Cyclists!

Do you like riding on a bike? Actually, here there is the second largest lake in Japan called "Lake-Kasumigaura".You can...